Friday, 29 September 2017


From early 1927 till the end of the 1930s, despite financial shortage as well as hardships in the woods being reclaimed, the newly established Caodai Holy Assembly in Tây Ninh province gradually managed to win lots of very significant achievements, to name a few in unchronological order:
- establishing and promulgating a number of laws;
- establishing an elaborate administrative system from the Holy See through provinces and districts to villages and hamlets;
- systemising and standardising rituals;
- publishing a number of fundamental scriptures, books and booklets on Caodaism;
- organising training courses for dignitaries and non-dignitary officials;
- establishing a free elemetary school for children;
- establishing the first holy house in Phnom Penh (Cambodia), and then founding La Mission Étrangère du Caodaïsme (The Foreign Mission of Caodaism) in the capital;
- establishing the first holy house in Hà Nội, etc.
Nevertheless, a process of fast growth could not help avoiding contradictions and conflicts which gradually emerged inside the Tây Ninh Holy Assembly. During the 1930s, the utmost of such disagreement resulted in some separations from the Tây Ninh Holy See and finally a few Holy Sees and Holy Assemblies were founded in some provinces far from Tây Ninh. Besides, a couple of Caodai congregations which did not detach themselves from the Tây Ninh Holy See became Holy Assemblies with their own Holy Sees in Central and Southern Vietnam.
In the years from 1935 through 1972, a number of noble and enthusiastic efforts to unite all “fragments” of Caodai religion were not successful eventually. Nowadays, therefore, the actual situation affecting Caodaism is that the religion still lacks its sole Holy Assembly and its millions of adherents remain in need of their one and only Holy See.