Thursday 14 December 2023




[At an evocation seance, the following sutra was bestowed by the Jade Emperor (Caodai the Immortal, the Mahabodhisattva Mahasattva), who called Himself “I”.]

After My order to open nine heavenly palaces, I am leisurely contemplating the spring scenery outside the heavenly gate.([1]) If those in higher positions set good examples which lower ones should emulate, both higher and lower individuals acquire merit of selfless service. When the Heaven’s Way widely spreads, it is advantageous (for sentient beings).([2])


I have arrived and sat on the precious throne in the White Jade Palace. After receiving audiences and congratulations from Divinities, I Myself have arrived in Vietnam. Firstly, I would like to observe the Three Teachings as worshipped by the Vietnamese people, also known as the descendants of Immortals and Dragons.


For numerous kalpas, I have tirelessly toiled to teach sentient beings to revere Buddhas and worship Heaven. Pitifully, due to mankind’s collective karma, they despise My teaching but trust in the demon king’s enticement.


Most people disregard the three bonds and five constants as their principle of virtue, as the righteous way to follow, and they tend to think first of brutality. Witnessing the deterioration of humanity, I have deeply considered the Third Universal Salvation plan for the whole world this time.


My words are to withdraw the thick veil of ignorance (to enlighten sentient beings). The sutra I am bestowing is carved in jade and inlaid with gold,([3]) and it is like a torchlight leading sentient beings out of the ignorance darkness. You should etch My teaching into your memory and consciousness.


It is recorded in many books that Heavens net is vast and extensively spread. Whether severe or mild, sooner or later, the karmic retribution is impartial. Dont say that the retribution is defective because Heaven’s eyes are all-seeing.


I have bestowed plentiful teachings of eternal truth, but you are so heartless and indifferent to Me. If you are unscrupulous, I cannot bear to disown you. If you are scrupulous, I am satisfied.


It is always heard that God in the heaven has eyes. It is often read that Heaven is formless. Though residing in the great, immense, and spacious heaven, God always thoroughly examines every situation on earth.


I have descended, using the beaked basket to write and bestow a few short lines of wondrous words from My heart.([4]) Dont consider that My words are not superb or profound. I advise you to keep your heart and mind and never ever be mistaken.


Parents have the benevolence of giving birth to and rearing children. A proverb says that every tree has its roots, and every stream has its source. Lush vegetation thrives year-round due to an ample water supply; that is to say, children become good and helpful individuals thanks to their parents nurturing and care.


Dont ape and flatter your friends. Dont wheedle your siblings. When seeing the elite and influential, dont wish for their lives. When witnessing those who are in adversity, dont ignore them.


The Dao of the superior man originates in the marital love. Descendants originate from the husband-wife bond. Spouses must be faithful and steadfast. As married couples, you should always affectionately teach and advise each other.


Coming from the same mothers womb, siblings should share the same bloodline love. Don’t hatch a sinister plot to separate your own siblings. As siblings, you should remain affable with one another and then will have good fame disseminated.


In terms of the principle of royal courtiers [or government officials today], you should strive to fulfill your assigned duties or tasks. In terms of the righteousness of royal courtiers [or government officials today], you should strive to protect both your status and reputations by refraining from illegal acts that could harm them. You should try hard to win success and fame.([5]) You should attempt to have your names recorded in the annals of history for ever.


The Creators scales or the way that Heaven maintains order and justice in the world encompasses multiple aspects difficult to comprehend.([6]) The cosmos operation encompasses manifold difficulties to challenge humans. Travelling by waterways, you can use a long rod to sound the water depth. [Likewise, you should assess your situation to prevent risks.] You shouldnt play in the deep sea or the rip current [i.e., you shouldnt engage in dangerous circumstances].


Divinities have taught you how to live fair and honestly. Sages have added a burden of benevolence and righteousness to your duty. Alas! Ungrateful for their teaching grace, sentient beings disparage holy teachings and have a condescending attitude.


To have jade, one must explore remote and uninhabited mountains. To find gold, one must soak in deep seas.([7]) To win honour and wealth as well as high social positions, you should be determined and willing to endure challenges and difficulties.


Instead of dreaming about kowtowing to Buddhas in the West, why don’t you pay homage to Heaven in the holy house? For your sake, I have come here and poured My heart out to you about all advantages and disadvantages.


Accumulating virtuous deeds and cultivating benevolence must be your first priority. You must deliberately cultivate yourselves and do compassionate deeds with diligence and frequency. Above your heads are Heaven, Buddhas, and other Divinities who hold the scales of reward and punishment fairly and impartially.([8])


Don’t think that darkness can conceal everything. Don’t think that the right and the wrong are not observed by Heaven. The Doctrine of the Mean reads, “In the production of things, Heaven is sure to be bountiful to them according to their qualities. The tree that is flourishing, Heaven nourishes, while that which is ready to fall, Heaven overthrows.” ([9]) Like the ebb and flow of the tide, the ups and downs in life or the positive and negative events on earth change alternately in harmony with the Creators operation.


Like the earth which is watched over by the sun and the moon day and night, human thoughts and deeds are being observed or examined by Heaven all the time. Yin-yang (or Dao) operates uninterruptedly. The absolute impartiality of heaven and earth neither exempt any tiny wrongdoing from punishment nor neglect to reward any tiny gooddoing.


Don’t think that humans can use a piece of chiffon to cover a Saint’s eyes. Dont dream that human strength is beyond Heaven. Pitiful and laughable to say, humans disrespect Heaven due to their arrogance.


Out of compassion and mercy, I am writing a few more paragraphs to give you some more explanations. My children, do keep My teaching etched on your heart, and commit no mistakes. You shouldn’t neglect My teaching even though it is lengthy.


You should refrain from extramarital sex and excessive indulgence in sexual pleasure to safeguard your health, career, fame, and ancestors honour. Sex-related harm is extremely devastating. Heaven and Buddhas never tolerantly forgive this sin.


Though hidden virtuous deeds ([10]) abounded in your former lives, they are lessened or vanish due to sexual indulgence in your present ones. You not only harm yourselves but also your families, careers, and even your afterlives.


Driven by cruelty, immoral people delight in devising evil plots to exploit chaos and misfortune. To enrich themselves, they lay wicked schemes to ensnare honest people. Their victims cannot escape, even if they could dive as deeply as fish or soar as high as birds.


To the cunning and those who abuse their authority or influence, Heaven has reserved a path for them to pay their karmic debts. Though they have rejected all responsibilities for their misdeeds,([11]) karmic retribution will come sooner or later. [For instance,] they may have to beg for food in vain even as their contented laughter still rings.


There are ungrateful people neglecting anniversaries of death of their ancestors, grandparents, and parents, who are the source of their existence. Relying on their own fully fledged condition, they show no gratitude to their grandparents and parents.


The unfilial whose love for their parents has faded will inevitably be punished. The impartiality of Heaven’s law is obvious, isn’t it? Between two parallel rows of swords in hell, the unfilial are brought in and have bellies and livers opened wide first.


There are cheating bosses who do business dishonestly. There are disloyal and greedy employees who cut into profits and drive up losses of their employers. There are those who say honeyed words for deception, underpay and force their employees to work overtime. According to the law of cause and effect, all such people will have their bellies pierced with daggers in hell.


There are unfathomably cruel packs who intentionally prepare sweet baits to lure their victims. Woe to those who hatch bottomlessly cruel schemes! They will suffer karmic retribution sooner or later, and then, any cry for Heavens rescue will be too late.


There are those who are always baring their fangs and claws. There are those who are always inciting others to sue. How indescribable are their cunning plots and evil schemes! They intentionally manipulate both opponents for their own advantage.


Corrupt mandarins always rely on their power and pretend to be of noble, wealthy, and influential lineage. They are clever at using their eloquence to manipulate the common people for unfairly possessing antiques and other precious objects bit by bit.


The tears of sighing and complaining victims are as plentiful as rain, and their mournful voices are as loud as thunder. While alive, those who cause countless catastrophes to others will, after death, be reincarnated from one life to another to repay their karmic debts.


Carrying out fake salvation ceremonies, fraudulent monks and priests dare deceive Buddhas and Divinities. Coaxing followers, they abuse donations intended for repairing pagodas or temples. However, out of sincere respect for Buddhas and the Sangha, enthusiastic donors contribute generously, regardless of the amount.


Acting as spirit intermediaries (or shamans) disrespects and offends Deities. Burning male or female effigies in the hope of warding off one’s bad luck and performing ceremonies to “scoop up” drowned souls are superstitious.([12])


The aforementioned wrongdoers do not understand that form is emptiness and emptiness is form. They will be imprisoned in bottomless hell until the judgement day of the whole world.([13])


For packs of flatterers, corrupt officials, traitors to their friends, sycophants, and those who undermine their nation, they all will be handed over to hell to be overwhelmed by suffering.


Plentiful are packs of selfishness and gangs of evil schemes. Having satisfaction of harming others, they are unaware of intolerant flaming pits hell which is awaiting them.


Do abstain from alcohol and meat. Try to refrain from debauchery. Sex, gambling, alcohol, and drugs harm not only your health but also your career as well as reputation. Do cultivate yourselves, recite prayers, worship Heaven and Buddhas.


Do trust what I teach you. Do obey what I advise you. Do cultivate yourselves so well that all Caodai families consist of loving parents and filial, upright children. This is how to glorify the name Caodaism.


Be indifferent to the gangs who disrespect the Great Dao. Be unconcerned with the packs who curse Caodai God. Let them arrogantly boast of themselves and fabricate slanders. After paying for their sins in this life, they will see Heaven on the judgement day.


Heavy karmic obstacles prevent you from forging ahead. Habitual hesitation and delay hinder you from enjoying heavenly life of ease. You should always be unshakeable and devote yourselves to self-cultivation to shorten your path to Paradise.


Too absorbed in the dream of becoming deities, you fail to focus on cultivating your own character and mind. Self-cultivation truly means nurturing your innate root of goodness, as well as perfectly living a life of loyalty, filiality, righteousness, and benevolence.


Self-cultivation means salvation for oneself, one’s own ancestors and descendants. It includes efforts to save all beings. Self-cultivators also pray for the transformation of the wicked and the eternal peace of the homeland.


You should cultivate yourselves so well that you can earn the admiration and respect of invisible powers, that you can transcend all ordinary worldly concerns. Achievement, fame, authority, nobility, ranks, and honorary titles are all impermanent, just like scattering clouds and flowing water. So, are they truly worthy of your strong desire?


It is often heard that instead of arduous and useless self-cultivation, striving for high official positions and wealth is much better. Why do they not consider deeply and carefully to realise that their present favourable consequences result from good karma of previous lives?


If fertiliser is frequently added, trees will be lush. If the roots are always healthy, the sprouts will be green and vibrant. To ensure lush foliage, the tree base must be large and sturdy. Similarly, if you cultivate yourselves first, you will undoubtedly enjoy heavenly ease later.


I feel sad and pity for the foolish ones who want to succeed in self-cultivation but are wasting their time by wandering for pleasure. Experiencing eight tribulations,([14]) the Buddha did not give up the Dao. I have worked diligently and endured great hardship for countless kalpas.


For those who have achieved high social status but live immorally instead of improving their virtue, their success will no longer flourish, just as trees fail to produce sprouts or flowers when their roots have been eaten by white grubs.


On the path of improving your virtue, you must remain steadfast as the demon king always aims his arrows at self-cultivators. Once struck by one of his swift and poisonous arrows, you will be almost impossible to remove it.


The poison the demon king coats his countless arrows includes frothy spirits, pretty girls, and pure gold. Struck by such a fatal arrow, the victim must lose his soul.


As self-cultivators, you must not be impatient and hasty. You must also distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, and true from false. If you manage to behave in this way, Heaven and Buddhas will confirm your true self-cultivation.


Families of self-cultivators must include loving parents and filial children. Amongst siblings, the elder love the younger, and the younger respect the elder. Females observe four virtues and three dependencies.([15]) For males, their prerequisite is a life of benevolence, righteousness, faithfulness, and filiality.


My above teaching is often misconstrued as mere guidance for the Way of Man, but it is actually the solid foundation for the Way of Heaven. If you neglect to strengthen the foundation of the Way of Man, your success on the Way of Heaven is illusory.


The Buddha has taught humans to observe the Three Refuges and the Five Precepts; however, their disobedience harms their Primordial Spirit. Out of love for you, I explain everything in detail and solicitously advise you on every aspect.


The Dao you follow is extremely correct and true; thus, every holy teaching should be deeply embedded in your heart and mind. FIRSTLY, be respectfully sincere and devout. SECONDLY, adhere to the teachings of Confucius, Laozi, and Shakyamuni Buddha.


THIRDLY, keep in mind the achievements and virtues of your ancestors. FOURTHLY, behave in accordance with the three bonds and the five constants. Maintain appropriate relationships with your parents, teachers, friends, and spouses.


FIFTHLY, be grateful to farmers for their back-breaking cultivation of paddies such as ploughing deep, transplanting rice seedlings, and fertilising soil, to produce rice. SIXTHLY, feel compassion for painful sericulturist women who exchange their arduous efforts for raw silk thread.


SEVENTHLY, as siblings from the same womb, maintain frequent contact [to prevent out of sight, out of mind” status]. EIGHTHLY, never flatter powerful or influential families. You should live in such a way that you earn praise and widespread good fame that you are virtuous figures worthy of respect and consideration.


NINTHLY, do not despise orphans and widows. TENTHLY, you should willingly forgive others mistakes. You should not be angry with anyone. Feel compassion for those who are in adversity, and save those who suffer hunger and coldness.


After accomplishing My ten pieces of advice mentioned above, you can be deservedly called cultivators of character or temperament. After having successfully cultivated your character or temperament, you can decide to start your cultivation of mind. The more you practise self-cultivation, the more you realise the lofty and profound dharma. The more you practise self-cultivation, the more you recognise your own past mistakes.


When recognising your mistakes, you should rectify them as soon as possible ([16]) so that you can promptly nurture your innate root of goodness. Able to do so, you are deservedly referred to as self-cultivators and prove yourselves to be enlightened.


You should be cautious as much as possible. My ten pieces of advice are as sweet as if they were soaked in sweet dew. Despite your recitation of prayers and “namah” day and night, if you fail to act on My advice, your root of goodness will wither and die.


I will be happy to see some signs of your self-cultivation progress. Then, I will trickle cool and fragrant holy water over you. [Thanks to this,] your self-cultivation will be as fruitful as abundant fragrant flowers and sweet fruit all year round.



During the evocation seance, I clearly explained the operation of the universe mechanism and My words were recorded on some pages.

The three bonds and five constants are ethical values that constitute the stable foundation of every society. Righteousness, benevolence, loyalty, and filiality are basically the profound beginning of all sages.([17])

Becoming Immortals necessitates accumulation of immeasurable blessings and virtuous merits. Moreover, attain-ment to the Dao is contingent upon Heavens great amnesty.

You should be determined to be true self-cultivators so that your good fame can spread for ever in the Third Universalism.


As self-cultivators, you should avoid cruelty and wickedness to prevent the spread of your notoriety for eternity.

There are those who plot to kill others by secretly installing lethal spikes. Pitifully, their naked eyes cannot perceive even a vague speck of the karmic retribution net which Heaven has spread out.

Death fears neither heroes nor rulers; everyone must die.

Good will be rewarded, and evil will be punished in the end, because everyone always reaps what they sow. It is certainly not a mistake to assert that Heaven has eyes.


Ensure that you faithfully act on My ten pieces of advice, then your names will be included in the list of Terrestrial Immortals.

To enjoy and maintain future good outcomes, it is essential to consolidate predestined good conditions.

As the proverb says, everyone should avoid evil and do good. Naturally, fertile soil produces dense green foliage.

If you devote yourselves to transcending the worldly realm and attaining the holy one, do cultivate your fields of mind diligently.

[PROSE I] ([18])

My children, A Shortcut to True Self-Cultivation is My guidance for you to follow the right path and avoid the wrong one.

While I am transmitting the Dao here, many Divinities are accompanying and supporting Me; thus, the sky is covered with auspicious clouds and filled with propitious air. Furthermore, the God of Culture and Literature is recording My teaching in a golden and jade book for preservation in the Precious Library of Sutras.

The three gathas should be etched in your heart and soul. Instead of being neglected, they should be recited day and night because all representatives of the Four Gods of Timekeeping ([19]) always listen to your recitations and record your merits.

I have instructed each Primordial Spirit of yours to examine whether you follow My guidance to improve your virtue in your free time. My children, obey Me and do not complain that I have not warned you before.

[GATHA IV] ([20])

Value and preserve whatever I have taught you to enhance your virtue and conduct. Never neglect My teachings but regard them as gold and jade.

Respect is the foundation of morality. Arrogance, in reality, is the root of evil.

Primordial Spirit favourably influences impartial and honest people. Karmic obstacles impede the progress of cunning and deceitful ones.

Do not mistakenly think that Heaven, being so far and high, can be deceived. As bright as lightning, divine eyes leave nothing concealed.

[PROSE II] ([21])

My children, if whoever outside the Caodai gate wishes to discern the taste of My teaching, you should consider guiding them in studying this “Shortcut”.

[GATHA V] (22)

Advising people to abandon evil and follow good is also how self-cultivators help sentient beings.

You should literally and figuratively elucidate holy teachings so that worldly beings can well distinguish between right and wrong.

Due to unfavourable conditions, sentient beings are indifferent to religion. Burdened by substantial karmic obstacles, they are not likely to practise self-cultivation.

[As mahāyāna self-cultivators] rowing the salvation boat together, instead of competing with or envying each other, you all should harmoniously navigate the boat smoothly and steadily.


([1]) A Shortcut to True Self-Cultivation was bestowed on Sunday night, 22 April 1930; then, it was still in the springtime.

([2]) Caodai God says, A days delay in Caodai development means a day of suffering for sentient beings. Thánh Ngôn Hiệp Tuyển (An Anthology of Holy Sayings). Vol. I. Evocation seance on midnight 22 and into the early hours of 23 April 1926.

([3]) Before concluding A Shortcut to True Self-Cultivation, Caodai God says, “While I am transmitting the Dao here, many Divinities are accompanying and supporting Me; thus, the sky is covered with auspicious clouds and filled with propitious air. Furthermore, the God of Culture and Literature is recording my teaching in a golden and jade book for preservation in the Precious Library of Sutras.”

([4]) Caodai God is using euphemism; in fact, He teaches a lot.

([5]) This is the Confucian ideal to fulfill the filial duty to parents. The Classic of Filial Piety says, The ultimate goal of filial piety is to establish oneself in the world and make oneself famous in the future, so as to glorify ones parents.

([6]) For example, why do good people often fall into trouble, and evil people live long lives?

([7]) Figuratively, to achieve very precious things, one must be willing to work very hard.

([8]) Quran (6:160) reads, Whoever comes (before Allah) with a good deed will be rewarded tenfold. But whoever comes with a bad deed will be punished for only one. None will be wronged (by Allah).

([9]) In this way, those who know how to cultivate themselves will be supported by Heaven; those who live in wickedness will be abandoned by Heaven. This is the very law of karma.

([10]) About “hidden virtuous deeds”, Jesus says: “Be sure you do not do good things in front of others just to be seen by them. If you do, you have no reward from your Father in heaven. (...) But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. (Mt 6:1, 3-4)

([11]) An example from the Bible: Pontius Pilate took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!” Then he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified. (Mt 27:24, 26)

([12]) 1/ For “spirit intermediaries” (or shamans), see illustration. 2/ Called “đồ thế” in Vietnamese, these effigies are printed images representing unlucky men or women who are praying to ward off their bad luck. The man chooses a male effigy; the woman, a female one. The effigy is burned after the ceremony. This superstition comes from China. See illustration. 3/ A raft is floated in the river where a drowning victim died. A long strip of white cloth connects the raft to an altar on shore, serving as a bridge for the soul to step up from the water. This is a folk superstition. See illustration.

([13]) The judgment day is mentioned throughout the Bible, for instance: Matthew 25:31-46; Revelation 20:11-15; Hebrews 9:27; Acts 17:31.

([14]) The legend goes that the Buddha encountered eight following tribulations: 1/ A Brahmin cursed and humiliated Shakyamuni Buddha, who told the rude man to take his gift back because it was not accepted. 2/ Another Brahmin stepped behind the Buddha, continuously insulting Him, who remained unaffected. 3/ A wealthy Brahmin offered his pretty daughter for marriage, but the Buddha declined, calling her just a vile skin bag. Being furious, the girl vowed revenge. Later, she became a king’s con-cubine, and one day the Buddha came to her husbands kingdom. She sent soldiers to force the Buddha away, but He could convert them. 4/ Pretending to be pregnant, a hired prostitute failed to frame the Buddha, who forgave and converted her. 5/ A Brah-min forged evidence to accuse the Buddha of murdering his daughter, but the royal court investigated and exonerated the Buddha. 6/ The Buddhas cousin named Devadatta released a wild elephant to attack Him, who could easily tame the beast. 7/ Devadatta rolled a rock down a mountain, injuring one of the Buddhas toes. 8/ For the Buddhas last meal, a blacksmith accidentally offered Him some food containing poisonous mush-rooms.

([15]) Four virtues include moral conduct; proper speech; modest appearance, and diligent work. Three dependencies consist of the dependency of a female on her father before marriage, on her spouse during marriage, and on her son after her spouse’s death.

([16]) According to The Analects (6:3), Confucius praised his disciple Yan Hui for never making the same mistake twice. In other words, he never repeated a mistake.

([17]) It means that every sage must first be a person of benevolence, righteousness, loyalty, and filiality. In other words, without these virtues, no one in the world can become a sage.

([18]) This heading does not exist in the original Vietnamese text.

([19]) These four Gods oversee the passage of time. They are the God of Years, of Months, of Days, and of Hours.

([20]) This heading does not exist in the original Vietnamese text.

([21])(22) This heading does not exist in the original Vietnamese text.